Inspired by Color and Texture

Andrew Lindsay is inspired by the work of many other abstract artists, some of which include Morris Louis, Lee Ufan, Gerhard Richter, Markus Linnenbrink and Peter Zimmermann. But most importantly his paintings are based on his particular interest for color and texture.

He is British-born (1979) but raised in Paris where he currently lives and works after spending some 7 years abroad, which strongly influenced his style.

They are very process-based in that he generally starts with an idea of how he wants to go about making a piece even if he diesn’t always know what he is aiming for as an end result.

Every step he takes either confirms he should continue with that idea or leads him to slightly adjust his process. Pieces are finished when they feel right to the artist himself.

Outskirt 2019, Epoxy resin and ink on and around wooden stretcher, 40x40cm

Extremity 2019, Epoxy resin and spray paint on and around wooden stretcher, 42x48cm
Old Fashioned 2017, Leftover ribbons on canvas, 40x40cm
Touch Me, Touch Me Up 2016, Recycled clothes on canvas, 74x56cm
Visible Light Absorption 2015, Epoxy resin, ink, acrylic and plastic inside wood panel, 46x46cm
Visible Light Ingestion 2018, Epoxy resin and marbles on wood panel, 30x30cm
Blindfold 2015, Resin, acrylic and plastic bottle caps inside wood panel, 51x41cm
Teardrop 2016, Resin, acrylic, ink and plastic bottle caps on wood panel, 76x61cm
Zimm 2014, Resin and acrylic on canvas, 61x61cm


Zeen 2016, Resin and acrylic on canvas, 61x61cm