Albert Sagan for Art-Sheep
Two Chinese farmers have decided to do a different kind of recycling by using spare car parts to built two enormous statues of the two of the most favourite Transformers, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. The farmers, father and son Yu Zhilin and Lu Yingyun, have been working on the sculptures for three years now, turning junk into over-sized action figures.
Yu Zhilin has a fine arts background, which explains the fact why the two statues are not simply a bunch of junk put together to look like the Transformers. They really do have a refined aesthetic.
China has received the Transformers very warmly and proof for the popularity is the price offered for Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, which goes beyond $160,000 USD. Despite the high price, though, the father and son carried on working in their spare time on the farm.
via cubebreaker