This $5,900 Desk Allows You to Work Lying Down

by Craig Davies The saying goes, "when life gives you lemons, squeeze the heck out of them and make the most amazing lemonade ever". Well,...

An Anatomical Muscle-Suit Designed As The Alternative To Common Sportswear

Jonathan Stone for Art-Sheep Tomasz Pietek is a Polish  designer who found the most creative and fun way to combine bicycling with designing. Inspired by his...

Photographer Rediscovers Abandoned European “Treasures”

Anna Randal for Art-Sheep   Images © Matthew Emmett   Apart from its cold, its beautiful sky phenomena and its breathtaking scenery, northern Europe has a secret, urban...

Super-Sized Lego-Like Bricks That Let You Build Real Furniture (+Video)

Give your workspace a fresh look! There are no tools required for building and the best part; no mess   Meet "Everblock", the modular building blocks...

Huge Maze Made Of Wood That Shows You The Way Out

Ezra H. Murray for Art-Sheep A few months ago, visitors to the National Building Museum in Washington DC literally got lost. The Danish architecture firm...

This Transparent Chair Allows You To Easily Change Its Appearance Using Removable Sheets

by Maria Sofou This is a huge want, you guys! South Korean industrial designer Sohyun Yun has greated an awesome piece of furniture that will make you...

A French Mailman Built Spectacular Palace From Stray Pebbles

Holly Williams for Art-Sheep Something very big may be inspired by something very small and in the case of Ferdinand Cheval, this is exactly how...

Youtuber Shows Us How To Turn Our Phones Into 3D Holographic Video Viewers

Samuel Masters for Art-Sheep If you like DIY projects, then you are gonna love this one! Youtuber Mrwhosetheboss shows the Internet community how to construct...

Black Out Blinds That Cast Beautiful Shadows when Placed Against Daylight

If you want to add a touch of sophistication to your home, now you can transform your window view in to a city at...