
Agape Charmani for Art-Sheep

Dino Valls probably made his parents extremely happy when he told them that after finishing medical school, he’d become an artist! But his studies combined with his oil painting training, helped him turn into the type of artist whose style and work quality would make proud, even the strictest parents.

Women on the operating table, witches, hurt women and goddesses, are Valls’ protagonists who express feelings of pain, despair and melancholy. Innocent and delicate, Valls’ figures struggle in a world of symbols, ideas and religion, with the artist focusing on both their physical presence and their subconscious. Walking on the path from childhood to adulthood, these women stand as the modern idols of an era that seems to have forgotten about allegories and mysticism. The detailed work of Valls’ reminds one of the way the Italian and Flemish masters worked on their works, with intense details such as Byzantine iconology and Western embroidery becoming the perfect addition to the artist’s unique working techniques.

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